Scanning Documents in Boston - Boston Shredding Service
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Scanning Documents in Boston

Businesses all over Massachusetts use document scanning to convert records into electronic documents. Once they are in a digital format, documents are much easier to manage. If a document is needed, it is accessible with a basic keyword search. Access to each file can be limited to particular employees, which protects each document on a security level. Usage must be (and can easily be) controlled to eliminate workers from selling the private data of employees and patients. In addition, every record has a retention life and an electronic document management systems can automatically eliminate outdated records.

How to Set Up A Document Scanning Process

If you want to migrate to a paperless system, the starting point is to work on a document retention plan. Articulate how long you want to store each type of document. Then determine who needs access to each type of document. This guide should be distributed to each worker.

Scanned Documents BostonOnce you have a document retention plan, you'll need to clean out every unnecessary record. Distribute shredding bins around your office and have everyone who maintains company records discard documents that should be shredded. Have workers go through their personal records with the company document management policy and shred everything past its usefulness. There is no need to digitize documents that aren't needed.

Step three is to figure out what documents will be needed in the future. The benefits of document scanning grow the more often the document is used and shared. If it is unlikely to be used again, then storing the original document is the better option. Whatever you have left is what you need to scan.

When it's time to begin scanning, you can purchase scanners and give the work to an employee. Or you can find a scanning service. If you only have a box or two, then using an employee should work. But as your number of documents increases, it can quickly overwhelm your equipment.

Boston Shredding Service makes the digitizing project easy. We bring you high speed scanning services and employees who handle this work everyday to organize and shred everything.

Get Free, No Hassle Quotes on Document Scanning in Boston, MA today!

Boston Shredding Service has a network of secure shredder who can scan all of your documents quickly and efficiently. These trained document experts make your security their first priority and can scan documents anywhere in Massachusetts. To learn more give us a call at (617) 273-2361, or fill out the form on this page.